Guides What is Branching In Deduction zusgazmy, 04/08/202307/08/2023 Branching means forming hypotheses, possibilities of different answer to a question or observation. Continue Reading
Guides Deduction From Afar zusgazmy, 01/08/202301/08/2023 Introduction As stated in Eagle Eyes, you won’t be able to see details far away (less likely), hence, you won’t be able to see what directly happened to an object, or person. In return, you can see a bigger picture. By thinking how does it interact with surrounding objects, we… Continue Reading
a Sherlock Holmes – His Limit zusgazmy, 26/07/202326/07/2023 Dr. Watson’s note on Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle – Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet. New era advantage A famous quote from Sherlock Holmes goes: I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you… Continue Reading
Detective Resources Eagle Eyes – The Next Level Tech For Induction zusgazmy, 17/07/202321/07/2023 Now that you know the basics, let move you to the next level of Sherlock Tech. And in this first post, as always, let’s talk about induction – gathering data in distance. Eagle eyes Induction Eagle is known to be able to hunt preys from 2 miles away (3.2 kilometers)… Continue Reading
Guides Data Building for Deduction zusgazmy, 16/07/202316/07/2023 The importance of data building Data building is such a crucial part of deduction and induction. It helps speed things up considerably when you just recognize the pattern. Just like a mechanic can diagnosed a car problem just by hearing how it sounds. He has a few theories, go straight… Continue Reading
The science of deduction for dummies zusgazmy, 13/07/202320/10/2023 First time seeing someone. Quick glance with a brief handshake. I know exactly who you are. Science of deduction is such a fascinating and impressive art, but it’s rarely touched on. Compared to its counterpart: Geoguessr, the recognition for the art of deduction is unimpressive. I’m proudly the first one… Continue Reading
Obviously zusgazmy, 11/07/202328/07/2023 Damian Valens How many times has anyone heard any deductionist, be it in real life or in media, say that word? “obviously” think about it, we use this word pretty loosely. Think about every time you’ve read or heard a deduction, be it from me, any other deductionist out there,… Continue Reading
Detective Resources The science of deduction – the core principles zusgazmy, 20/06/202321/07/2023 “How can we deduce like Sherlock Holmes?” This question has intrigued countless people worldwide. Many books and articles have been written on the subject, but most authors fail to provide practical, everyday applications. Instead, they often introduce fancy terms and techniques without offering tangible results. It’s frustrating when an invention… Continue Reading
Detective Resources What makes Sherlock Holmes deduction so striking? zusgazmy, 07/06/202320/06/2023 When you read or watch Sherlock Holmes, it feels like every observation he takes always lead to some conclusion that just feel right. Continue Reading